Creating new DB

Use ‘Database Manager’ -> ‘New’ to create new database (collection).


Choose one of the available options:


MultiCollector - Create New DB


Watch quick start video tutorial as an example of new database creation.



Browse On-line Templates

Use this button to create a new database using available online templates.


1. Click on template icon from list of On-line Templates:


online templates


2. Click on ‘Download and Create New DB’ (Wait until download completion):


new coin template


3. Choose a location for the new database:


db location


4. Enter new DB properties:


‘Choose database location’ - Name of folder for new collection (Example: mycoins).

‘Enter collection name’ - Database name (Example: coins - colnect).

‘Choose Icon’ - Select icon for database.

‘Custom Icon’ - Choose your jpg/png/bmp file to be used as database icon.

‘Show All’ - Show all available (predefined) icons.

‘Images for preview’ - Number of images you’d like to see in the thumbnails.


new collection properties


5. Click on ‘Create’ button to create database.



Generate standard template

Use this button to start a new database on the base of the Multi Collector universal template or generate empty template.


MultiCollector - Create New DB


1. Choose a location for the new database:

db location


2. Enter new DB properties:


‘Choose database location’ - Name of folder for new collection (Example: mycoins).

‘Enter collection name’ - Database name (Example: coins - colnect).

‘Choose Icon’ - Select icon for database.

‘Custom Icon’ - Choose your jpg/png/bmp file to be used as database icon.

‘Show All’ - Show all available (predefined) icons.

‘Images for preview’ - Number of images you’d like to see in the thumbnails.


multi collector standard template


Use existing DB as template

Use this button to start a new database with an identical template of any existing Multi Collector database.





Created by LignUp. All rights reserved.